Does Roomba Work On Thick Carpet?

Do you have carpets in your home? And are you thinking of getting a Roomba? But you’re left unsure and wondering how efficiently does Roomba work on thick carpet.

Roomba gives a hand-free, no-hassle, easy means of cleaning our homes.  They are automatic vacuum cleaners with charging stations instead of cords and cables that you have to the plugin. With just a press of a button, your vacuum cleaner gets to work and returns automatically to its charging dock to recharge. They work on all flooring in three ways.

However, Roomba can run into some difficulty when you have some thick or high pile carpets in your home. They could get stuck in the threads and tassels. In this article, we will discuss if Roomba does indeed work on thick carpets and other ways a Roomba is efficient.

Does Roomba work on thick carpet?

Roomba does work on thick carpets. However, thick carpet gives Roomba a tough time vacuuming. It can cause it to overheat or burn out the motor if it gets stuck on the longer hairs of thick carpets.

The battery life of your Roomba will be drained faster because more work will be done in cleaning thick carpets. Even the beater bar, which loosens the dirt, consequently allowing the suction to pull in the dirt and debris, will consume a lot of energy.

How does Roomba clean thick carpets:

This is a step by step process of how Roomba cleans thick carpets:

  • Agitate:

Roombas are equipped with beater bar that rotates while vacuuming thereby stirring up the carpet, causing a disturbance that helps to loosen debris and dirt that are ground-in or ingrained on the threads of thick carpets.

  • Brush:

Strong, thick and wide brushes with hard and tough bristles are another features of Roombas that help in lifting this already loosened debris from the surface of thick carpets.

  • Suction:

Lastly, these loosened and exposed dirt and debris need to go somewhere. Roombas have powerful suction that can pull in debris and dirt into its bin.


  • If you have kids and pets at home, thick carpets are probably not something you should own. Hairs stick well to thick carpets. They get entangled with the long tassels, making it harder for your Roomba to get out.
  • Carpets with very high edges can make it difficult for Roombas to navigate. Also, avoid high pile carpet like shag carpet.
  • Do not leave your Roomba unsupervised if you decide to get a thick carpet.

If you have different floorings for each rooms in your house and some of these rooms have thick carpets, and you’re wondering can Roomba clean multiple rooms?Yes, it can. Just that, your Roomba would find it slower and less easy to clean those rooms with thick carpets.

You should know that the best automatic vacuum cleaners have special features that allow them to clean properly, easily navigate obstacles and furniture in their paths, clean multiple rooms without human interference easily and avoid falls from stairs.

Special Features:

  • Wide brushes, beater bar and powerful suctions for removing dirt from thick carpets.
  • Advanced mapping and navigation sensors so you won’t have to manually take your Roomba room to room allowing Roombas to clean multiple rooms with ease. Even those with thick carpets.Also, capability of a Roomba to return back to its charging station and recharge automatically makes it able to clean thick carpets and multiple rooms with ease.
  • Roomba also has virtual wall features that allow you to set up an invisible wall to keep it away from some rooms with very thick carpet flooring.
  • If you live in a multi-level home, you should be aware that Roombas have not been designed to moveup and down staircases, but there are Roomba for stairs. The best Roomba has cliff sensors for avoiding a fall on stairs. These sensors use infrared lights to measure the distance between the base of the vacuum and the floor.  Your Roomba will stop and turn away when there is an increase in that distance.

Note: For some models, dark surfaces might be viewed as a cliff. Dark places or zones can also affect your Roomba’s optical sensors, and it might be slower, affecting how good they will be as cleaners in the dark zone.

Can Roomba clean multiple rooms?

The best automatic vacuum cleaners have special features that allow them to clean multiple rooms without human interference easily. So, what if you have different floorings for each room? Your Roomba would find it slower and less easy to clean the rooms with thick carpets.

Special Features:

  • You won’t have to manually take your Roomba room to room because the best Roomba has advanced mapping and navigation sensors. This allows them to map out your house, save floor patterns, and work based on that. Lighthouse beacons or sensors emit signals that your Roomba will pick up, indicating a need for their presence, and your Roomba will automatically go there.
  • Roomba also has virtual wall features that allow you to set up an invisible wall to keep it away from some rooms. This will come in handy if you don’t want it in a room with thick carpet flooring.
  • When a Roomba battery dies out, it has the capability to return back to its charging station and recharge automatically. If you like in a house with multiple rooms, one Roomba will work for you. You don’t have to go and purchase as many Roombas as your rooms in your home.

Roomba for stairs

Roomba should generally be able to clean the whole house with ease. However, if you live in a multi-level home, you should be aware that Roombas have not been designed to move up and down staircases. You can take your Roomba manually up the stairs to vacuum the higher level rooms, and you don’t have to worry about it falling down the staircase at some point.

The best Roomba has cliff sensors for avoiding a fall on stairs. These sensors use infrared lights to measure the distance between the base of the vacuum and the floor.  Your Roomba will stop and turn away when there is an increase in that distance.


When it comes to buying a Roomba, you should have it in mind that some models are better than others. Choose the right model for your home, especially if you have thick carpets and live in a multi-level building.

A good Roomba would have a good battery, powerful suction, wide and strong brushes, and advanced cleaning features. So, does Roomba work on thick carpet? Yes. But, how well it works depends on the carpet thickness and the Roomba model.

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